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Speed-up Modem and Serial Connections (Windows 95/98/Me)
Windows is normally limited to a default maximum speed of 115,200 bps for serial communications. By using compression and high-speed UARTS modern modems may reach this limit and not be allowed to operate at full speed. This tweak allows Windows to communicate with speeds of 230400, 460800 and 921600 bps.

Load Balance Network Adapters (Windows NT/2000/XP)
If you have two or more network cards in your system this setting allows you to distribute the number of connections, or sessions among the adapters according to a randomizing algorithm.

Configuring Unimodem Support (Windows NT)
Windows NT 4.0 and greater support Unimodem modems, if your device is not supported though Windows can be configured to use the MODEM.INF file instead.

PCMCIA Network Power Management (Windows 95/98/Me)
When using a PC Card network adapter you might not be able to connect the computer to the network, and under Control Panel > System there is a yellow exclamation mark "!" next to the card.

Enable Random Adapter Responses (Windows 95/98/Me)
For a computer with multiple network adapters, this setting specifies whether to respond with an IP address selected randomly from the range of addresses on the computer or whether to return the IP address of the adapter that the request came in upon.

Enable the Network Adapter Onboard Processor (Windows 2000/XP) Popular
If your network adapter has an onboard processor, designed to offload network processing from the system CPU, it is disabled by default. This setting allows you to enable it and increase the processing speed of your system.

Disable Automatic Modem Connections at Startup (All Windows)
If remote connections are enabled in Windows, the system may try to initiate an Internet connection at Windows startup or at the start of many applications. This setting disables that behaviour.

Speed Up ISP Logon Time (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular
On some systems it can take a long time to connect to the Internet, you can decrease the time required to connect to your ISP by trying these simple steps.

Faster Modem Dialing (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular
Waiting to long for your modem to dial? This tip lets you reduce the time it takes your modem to dial, and increase your overall modem connection speed.

Configure the TCP/IP Settings of a Network Adapter (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular
These values control the TCP/IP parameters of the network interface cards. Configurable parameters include IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.

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